Referrer Etiquette

- 148 Words

Note: This article was originally posted via Blogger on a domain name I no longer own. I've consolidated all of my earlier ramblings and digressions here.

Wow. A follow-up to yesterday’s post. I had just finshed watching a wacky ass movie, Eye of the Beholder, when I decided to check in on all things Net. Lo and behold, a quick note from Robin Jean, who thanked me for the link in yesterday’s posts. I was suitably impressed. It’s not often that you find a beautiful woman who not only checks her referrer logs, but sends a thank you e-mail as well.

In other news.. I plan on moving the content of over to, which is my own personal server rigged up on a DSL line. Don’t tell my ISP, because I’m supposed to have a dynamic IP. Oh well, fsck ’em if they can’t take a joke. IPCONFIG /RENEW is a great command. More details on how to drive your local ISP crazy as soon as I get the change moved over.