Move Complete

- 192 Words

Note: This article was originally posted via Blogger on a domain name I no longer own. I've consolidated all of my earlier ramblings and digressions here.

Well, the move is complete. For the people that I haven’t sent my address to, send me a reminder e-mail and I’ll get it out to you. DSL is supposedly coming in 2 - 3 weeks. I’ll believe that when I see it. I remember the problems that I had with TDS the first time I tried to get DSL. Oh well, hopefully DataWave has their $h1t in one bag.

On another note, if you’ve been able to get the dual - monitor support to work properly under Windows 98, please let me know. I’ve had it working at a previous job, but I have been unable to get it to work in my home. I have two monitors, one 17" and one 19". A Trident 9750 AGP and a Trident 9440 PCI card, and both show that they cannot be used in dual-monitor configuration. If I use the Windows 98 drivers, nothing works. If I use the drivers from Trident, I get the initialization text-based screen from Windows 98, but the screen will never kick into desktop mode. Oh well, guess I’ll have to find another card that’s on this list.