Note: This article was originally posted via Blogger on a domain name I no longer own.
I've consolidated all of my earlier ramblings and digressions here.
Submitted by Jeremy Surma
The best thing about doing a resume in HTML is the li element. I finally figured out what it means. But there is one question….. why don’t they just let you spell the word lie out all the way?
For Example:
<li>I can understand all that shit on the screen when an NT Server Blue Screens and can fix it so it never happens again.</li>
<li>I can make your network run perfectly... forever... in five minutes.... with my eyes closed....</li>
<li>I build IBM Mainframes by hand with just a soldering iron and a bunch of wire in my spare time.</li>
<li>I have been running Cat5 and Fiber cables for 150 years, people just started listening to me yesterday. That's why you've never heard of me.</li>
<li>I would prefer not to get paid.</li>
<li>I made the Internet.</li>
<li>I know how to write HTML code.</li>