This Is Not Brought to You by the Letter P

- 163 Words

Note: This article was originally posted via Squarespace on a domain name I no longer own. I've consolidated all of my earlier ramblings and digressions here.

Sesame Street be damned.

On Tuesday, I was called out to a client’s site to assist with an e-mail problem. Apparently, their Exchange server got hungry and began eating incoming e-mails. Even worse, messages and contacts were also disappearing at an alarming rate.

Turns out, Trend Micro released a buggy anti-spam rule set that immediately decided that any message with a lower-case letter P in it was spam. Not like that’s a common occurance or anything, to use the letter P in an e-mail. Anyway, within a few hours, the glitch was discovered and fixed.

This is an additional reason to triple-check all code before releasing to the public. According to an article at Internet Week, less than 100 customers were affected by the problem. Im not sure which is worse… the fact that there was a problem, or the fact that less than 100 customers had set the Auto-Update feature on the spam rules. What version of Trend’s rules are YOU running?