Pocket PCs

- 142 Words

Note: This article was originally posted via Squarespace on a domain name I no longer own. I've consolidated all of my earlier ramblings and digressions here.

My fiancée just purchased a new Pocket PC thanks to a few awesome deals we came across. It’s an HP iPaq 1945 with Bluetooth, very nice. The was a $20 instant rebate, and a $100 mail-in rebate. Plus, we found that HP is offering a trade-in program for older PDAs and whatnot… she was able to get 50 bucks back from HP by trading in her older PalmPilot. Essentially she got a brand new PocketPC for under $150.

Overall, it’s not that bad. I haven’t played around with it too much, but she’s already got games and updates downloaded to it. The only things left to do are to locate a Bluetooth USB adapter for her machine so she can surf the web in the house, and write some cool .NET Compact Framework programs so that I can play with it too.