Hollywood Annoys

- 284 Words

Time to get a post up here; it’s been a few days since I’ve posted.

In all reality I’m just postponing working.  I’ve got a ton of DBG projects to work on, and a huge project or two at my full-time job too.  Instead of working on them, I’ve been watching ER reruns and movies and such.  Whoops.

I recently watched Crash, and was surprised to find it in the Top 100 movie list.  It was interesting, but I didn’t think it was all that great of a movie.  It was one of those movies that I find myself unable to stop watching, but not because it’s great.  Actually, it’s more because if I stop watching a movie because I don’t like it, about 6 months later I end up renting the damn thing again in case I was simply having a bad day.  Then I waste 2 MORE hours watching the same stupid ass flick, albeit all the way through. Damn, that’s annoying.

Anyway, I had intended to make a blog post on Thursday squawking about the number of production company logos I had to sit through when I watched Crash.  It was 6 or 7, I believe.  I mean, I’m all about putting logos on work, and for damn sure my company logo is all over anything I do, but still…. I thought perhaps the entire movie was going to be company logos crashing into each other.

Actually, I could make that post and backdate it so you’d think I was updating more regularly.  I would, but nobody reads this crap.  I mean, it’s like I’m talking to my imaginary friend or something… nobody’s there.  Who the hell can spell Madajczyk, anyway?